Game: Balance in Everything
Development Period: 2 Months
Group Project |
Engine: Unity
Enjoy the sights.
Balance in Everything is a top-down casual exploration game in which the player acts as a guardian of the seasons. The player controls the flow of seasons through temples, and uses this power to control the growth of plantlife, allowing her to navigate the world through their aid.
The game was developed for handhelds with a target audience of adults wanting to play a calming game on the go. The project began as a student project and was continued development outside of college to an improved standard. Balance in Everything was made in Unity with a large art team at its disposal. As such, level design was done in Greybox and handed over to be made into something special. Mechanics were but a way to guide the player through the landscape and puzzles were made to guide as well as gate the player. |
Tasks performed include: